Mahiar Afrooz

Roya is an NFT marketplace where creators and buyers meet. The creators,  or artists, digitize their art into a collection of limited NFT’s. Whenever a  creators work is sold, even after the initial sale, the artist automatically  collects royalties.

As of today, NFT’s give the highest financial return to creators when  compared to Youtube and Facebook combined. In other words, its the best  way for creators to monetize their content. At Roya, we strive towards  creating a progressive, fair platform that helps to lead, improve and contribute  towards the development of blockchain technologies.

Roya’s mission is also to transform lifestyle brands into web3. This means  Roya helps to not only digitize content which in itself also helps add quality  content to the NFT marketplace, but also to conceptualize, curate and  support brands and organisations as they move into web3. Roya aims to be the most relevant player in web3 digital transformations for lifestyle brands.

Mahiar Afrooz is a serial international entrepreneur with a track record in predicting future disruptions in web3.