Does it resonate with the Swedish ideals of inclusivity and collaboration while leveraging technology for constructive change? If so, the Brilliant Innovators competition offers an exceptional opportunity to transform your discoveries into tangible realities for both yourself and the global community.
This year the Brilliant Innovators competition will once again shine a spotlight on fresh ideas and diverse voices, showcasing innovation at its finest. The competition will source five finalists through an online competition. The shortlisted companies will be given a unique opportunity to present their concepts in an 5-minute online pitch to a panel of carefully selected judges from within the Brilliant Minds network.
The distinguished winner of Brilliant Innovators will be invited to join us on the main Brilliant Minds stage in June to unveil their concept to the entire Brilliant Minds audience, and will also receive a mentorship from within the Brilliant Minds network, a 12-month lease of a BMW, a ticket to Brilliant Minds 2025, and an exclusive invitation to participate in one of Brilliant Minds’ international events, setting the stage for even greater opportunities and impact in the year ahead.
We are looking for early/seed-stage startups based in Sweden and Scandinavia, launched within the past 3 years.
Final submission date for applications is Friday, April 18th.